RTE Brainstorm Article – What’s the impact of vaginismus on Irish relationships?
RTE Brainstorm have published an article on the DCU Study of Vaginismus in Ireland focusing on how relationships are affected.
The inability to have a sexual relationship has a profound impact on how the woman feels about herself, on her partner and on their relationship.
What's the impact of vaginismus on Irish relationships?
The current DCU study, which is being carried out in conjunction with Dr. Rosaleen McElvaney and Dr. Rita Glover, is seeking to start a conversation about vaginismus in Ireland. Maria McEvoy is currently looking to interview couples who have experienced vaginismus. The study has been approved by the DCU Ethics Committee and all information will be held in the strictest confidence and all identifying information will be completely removed.
Contact Dr. Maria McEvoy at: www.vaginismusresearchireland.com email: maria.mcevoy26@mail.dcu.ie
You can also follow Maria and the research project on Twitter @IrishVaginismus